A Tale of Two ChurchesQuentin UCC has a very long history, dating back to a time just before our country was founded, when a Sunday School began to meet together regularly in the town of Rexmont. While we have traditional roots, our history gives evidence that we are not resistant to change, but rather move with the changes.
The UnionTen years later on January 3, 1971, another major change had taken place when Templeman and St Paul’s united together to form one congregation, and named it Quentin United Church of Christ and since then has continued to minister to folks welcomed many new folks from our community.
Not only do we minister to our local community, but through our denomination we are able to minister in a variety of ways beyond our doors. Quentin UCC supports homes for youth and the elderly, we supports a vital camping program, and church related colleges and Seminaries along with campus ministries. Through our basic support of our world missions we supports 150 missionaries in 35 countries along with extensive programs in agricultural assistance, medicine, education, self-help, technical assistance, training, food and nutrition, relief and development. Our mission is to support, nurture and change lives by imparting the timeless love of God to all in an ever changing world. That is our story and we hope you might become a part of that story as well. |